Spiritual Threads: A 10-Day Ghana Ancestral Journey

Tokyo feels limitless in size and scope and often seems more like a collection of cities than one cohesive whole. At the centre is the Imperial Palace. To the east of the palace is the old city, the historic downtown that came to life during the feudal era (when a castle stood where the palace is today). Here, in neighbourhoods like Ueno and Asakusa, the attractions have a more traditional slant: there are museums, shrines and temples, historic restaurants and artisan workshops.
$2900 per person
10 Days
More than 1

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Tokyo feels limitless in size and scope and often seems more like a collection of cities than one cohesive whole. At the centre is the Imperial Palace. To the east of the palace is the old city, the historic downtown that came to life during the feudal era (when a castle stood where the palace is today). Here, in neighbourhoods like Ueno and Asakusa, the attractions have a more traditional slant: there are museums, shrines and temples, historic restaurants and artisan workshops.

What's included

Ghana , West Africa Discover Destinations
Departure Location
Kotoka International Airport
Return Location
Kotoka International Airport
Tour Start Date & Time
Price includes
  • A guided tour of important places
  • All meals included
  • Arrival and departure support and guidance
  • Departure Taxes or Visa handling fees
  • Entrance fees to various attractions
  • Overnight in a 5-star Hotel - Breakfast and Dinner
  • Professionally guided tour
  • Unlimited bottled water
  • Visa arrangements
Price does not include
  • Gratuity
  • International flight.
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Travel Insurance
  • Visa expenses

Embark on a transformative 10-day journey through Ghana with the “Ghana Ancestral Tour,” a profound exploration of the nation’s historical roots and ancestral connections. Commencing in the vibrant city of Accra, the tour begins with visits to the W.E.B. Du Bois Center, Independence Arch, and Black Star Square, offering insights into Ghana’s liberation and ancestral heritage.

Travel to Cape Coast and Elmina to delve into the poignant history of the transatlantic slave trade at the Cape Coast and Elmina Castles. Kakum National Park provides a nature-infused day with a canopy walk and connections to ancestral spirits believed to inhabit the rainforest.

The tour extends to Assin Manso, where participants witness the Slave River, a powerful site for contemplation and remembrance. Kumasi, the cultural heart of the Ashanti Kingdom, introduces the Manhyia Palace and the Ashanti Cultural Centre, fostering a deeper understanding of ancestral traditions and regal history.

Explore craft villages like Bonwire and Ntonso, engaging with the artistry of Kente weaving and Adinkra stamping, connecting with ancestral crafts. Lake Bosomtwe offers a reflective retreat, followed by a journey to Tongo Hills for a mystic experience with ancient caves and ancestral rituals.

Discover the Larabanga Mosque, a testament to Ghana’s Islamic heritage, and the Mystic Stone with its ancestral significance. Engage with locals throughout the journey, learning about spiritual practices and ancestral ties that enrich the cultural tapestry of Ghana.

As the tour concludes in Accra, participants depart with a deepened understanding of Ghana’s historical roots, a profound connection to ancestral heritage, and the enduring spirit of resilience carried forward from generations past. The “Ghana Ancestral Tour” promises not only a chronological exploration but a spiritual and cultural odyssey, fostering a profound appreciation for the intricate threads that weave Ghana’s diverse and resilient tapestry.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • Day 8
  • Day 9
  • Day 10
Day 1

Arrival in Accra

Commence the journey in Accra, exploring the city's ancestral roots. Visit the W.E.B. Du Bois Center, a tribute to the prominent Pan-Africanist. Delve into the history of Independence Arch and Black Star Square, symbolizing Ghana's liberation. The day concludes with a visit to Jamestown, a district rich in Ga-Dangme heritage, offering insights into the ancestral connections

Day 2

Cape Coast and Elmina Castles

Travel to Cape Coast and Elmina to witness the poignant history of the transatlantic slave trade. Explore the dungeons, courtyards, and learn about the ancestors who endured these sites. Reflect on the impact of this historical chapter at the ocean's edge.

Day 3

Kakum National Park Canopy Walk

Immerse in nature at Kakum National Park, walking through the treetops on a thrilling canopy walk. Explore the rainforest's biodiversity and connect with the ancestral spirits believed to inhabit this sacred space. Engage with local guides, sharing stories passed down through generations.

Day 4

Assin Manso Slave River

Journey to Assin Manso, where enslaved Africans took their last bath before being transported. Visit the Slave River, a somber yet powerful site, providing a contemplative space to honor the ancestral spirits. Participate in a memorial ceremony to pay homage to those who suffered.

Day 5

Kumasi's Cultural Heritage

Head to Kumasi, the Ashanti Kingdom's cultural heart. Explore the Manhyia Palace, residence of Ashanti kings, and the Ashanti Cultural Centre, delving into the rich traditions. Discover the regal history at the palace and engage with artisans preserving ancestral crafts.

Day 6

Bonwire and Ntonso Craft Villages

Explore Bonwire, the Kente weaving village, and Ntonso, the Adinkra stamping village. Witness the intricate process of crafting Kente cloth and Adinkra symbols, connecting with ancestral artistry. Create your Adinkra-stamped cloth, a personal homage to the symbolic legacy.

Day 7

Lake Bosomtwe Reflection

Retreat to Lake Bosomtwe, a sacred crater lake surrounded by lush landscapes. Reflect on the ancestral significance of this tranquil site and enjoy a boat ride, connecting with the spirits believed to inhabit the lake. Savor local cuisine, sharing stories with lakeside communities.

Day 8

Tongo Hills Mystic Experience

Venture to Tongo Hills, a mystic landscape steeped in ancestral traditions. Explore the ancient caves and shrines, connecting with the Talensi people's spiritual practices. Witness traditional dance and drumming, experiencing the vibrancy of ancestral rituals.

Day 9

Larabanga Mosque and Mystic Stone

Visit Larabanga to see the ancient Larabanga Mosque, a testament to Ghana's Islamic heritage. Explore the Mystic Stone, a revered site with ancestral significance, believed to have mystical powers. Engage with locals, learning about their spiritual practices and ancestral ties.

Day 10

Departure from Accra

Conclude the Ghana Ancestral Tour with a departure from Accra, carrying the profound connections made with ancestral heritage. Depart with a deepened understanding of Ghana's historical roots, ancestral traditions, and the enduring spirit of resilience.

More about Ghana Discover Ghana

More about West Africa

More about this tour


  • Accra's W.E.B. Du Bois Center and Historical Landmarks
  • Cape Coast and Elmina Castles' Historical Reflection
  • Kakum National Park Canopy Walk
  • Assin Manso Slave River Contemplation
  • Kumasi's Cultural Heritage Exploration
  • Bonwire and Ntonso Craft Villages
  • Lake Bosomtwe Retreat and Boat Ride
  • Tongo Hills Mystic Experience
  • Larabanga Mosque and Mystic Stone Visit
  • Departure with Ancestral Connections
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      Spiritual Threads: A 10-Day Ghana Ancestral Journey

      $2900 per person
      10 Days
      More than 1

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