Senegal Time & Culture

$2875 per person
8 Days
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Senegal Heritage Expedition: A Journey Through Time and Culture Embark on an extraordinary 8-day journey through Senegal with the “Senegal Heritage Tour.” Begin in Dakar, the vibrant capital, where your exploration takes you to Goree Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its poignant history. Experience the unique phenomenon of the Pink Lake, where...

What's included

Senegal , West Africa Discover Destinations
Tour Start Date & Time
Price includes
  • A guided tour of important places
  • Accommodation in single twin share room
  • All meals included
  • Arrival and departure support and guidance
  • Departure Taxes or Visa handling fees
  • Entrance fees to various attractions
  • Overnight in a 5-star Hotel - Breakfast and Dinner
  • Professionally guided tour
  • Unlimited bottled water
  • Visa arrangements
Price does not include
  • Departure Taxes or Visa handling fees
  • Gratuity
  • International flight.
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Personal expenses like internet usage, and telephone charges
  • Travel Insurance
  • Visa expenses

Senegal Heritage Expedition: A Journey Through Time and Culture

Embark on an extraordinary 8-day journey through Senegal with the “Senegal Heritage Tour.” Begin in Dakar, the vibrant capital, where your exploration takes you to Goree Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its poignant history. Experience the unique phenomenon of the Pink Lake, where the vibrant color is a result of a rare combination of microorganisms and high salt concentration.

Travel to St. Louis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Senegal’s former colonial capital, before immersing yourself in the avian wonders of Djoudj National Bird Park. Witness thousands of migratory birds in this UNESCO-listed sanctuary, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle.

The sacred city of Touba beckons, offering a glimpse into the spiritual heart of Senegal with its grand mosque and the unique Mouride brotherhood. Your journey then leads to the picturesque Delta Du Saloum, a nature reserve brimming with diverse wildlife.

Visit Joal Fadiouth, renowned for its cultural richness, where a visit to the Senghor Museum and the Serere village unfold layers of Senegal’s heritage. Explore Mbour’s central market, bustling with daily life.

Continue to the Saly Beach Resort and Bandia National Park, an ecological gem near Dakar. Enjoy a safari amidst native Senegalese flora and fauna, witnessing rhinoceros, giraffes, and a variety of bird species.

As the tour concludes, relish the blend of cultural immersion and natural wonders that define Senegal’s rich heritage. This curated itinerary offers a tapestry of experiences, from historical reflections on Goree Island to the vibrant traditions of Touba, making the “Senegal Heritage Tour” a journey through time, culture, and the enchanting landscapes of this West African gem.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • Day 8
Day 1

Arrive in Dakar

Upon reaching Dakar, head to your hotel. Take a moment to unwind or delve straight into an enthralling city tour, immersing yourself in the lively ambiance and profound cultural legacy that Dakar offers. The city welcomes you with open arms, inviting exploration through its vibrant streets and significant cultural landmarks. Whether you choose to unwind or immediately dive into the sensory tapestry of Dakar, each moment promises to be a chapter in your Senegalese adventure. Capture the essence of the city's spirit, from its bustling markets to historical sites, as you begin your journey into the heart of Senegal's cultural mosaic.

Day 2

Goree Island Excursion

Take a morning ferry journey to Goree Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its historical significance. Immerse yourself in the island's compelling narrative by exploring the ethnographic museum and attending an insightful lecture on its captivating history. As the day unfolds, return to Dakar for an evening city tour. Wander through vibrant markets, where colors and aromas intertwine, experience the grandeur of the Grand Mosque, and catch a glimpse of the stately Presidential Palace. This day of exploration promises to be a dynamic blend of cultural enrichment and historical discovery, offering a unique perspective on the tapestry of Senegal's heritage.

Day 3

Pink Lake Exploration

Witness the enchantment of Pink Lake in the morning, captivated by its distinctive hues crafted by microorganisms and high salt concentrations. Engage with local women as they skillfully harvest salt, gaining insight into their time-honored traditions. The journey then leads to St. Louis, where the cultural tapestry of this historical city awaits exploration. Immerse yourself in the unique charm and stories embedded in its streets, a testament to the rich heritage of this West African gem. Let the day unfold, revealing the wonders of nature and the cultural treasures that paint a vivid portrait of Pink Lake and St. Louis.

Day 4

Djoudj National Bird Park

Explore Djoudj National Bird Park, a UNESCO site teeming with captivating birdlife. Glide through its waterways on a pirogue, spotting cormorants, pelicans, flamingos, and other magnificent species. Let the avian symphony enchant you as you absorb the park's natural wonders. Following this avian adventure, delve into the cultural richness with a city tour of St. Louis, immersing yourself in its history and vibrant atmosphere. Witness the fusion of colonial charm and local vibrancy as you navigate through the city's streets. Djoudj National Bird Park and St. Louis promise an enriching day, blending nature's marvels with the cultural heartbeat of Senegal.

Day 5

Touba Spiritual Experience

Discover the serene dawn of Touba, soaking in its spiritual aura with a visit to the grand mosque and gaining profound insights into the Mouride brotherhood. As the day unfolds, venture towards the Delta Du Saloum, delving into the untouched beauty of this wild reserve. The afternoon promises an immersive experience amidst the natural wonders that define this unique ecosystem. From vibrant avian life to tranquil waterways, each moment in the Delta Du Saloum unveils a narrative of untamed splendor. Let the day's journey be a seamless fusion of spiritual exploration and communion with nature, creating memories that linger long after the sun sets.

Day 6

Joal Fadiouth Cultural Tour

Begin your day with a visit to Joal Fadiouth, discovering its lively central market and the captivating Senghor Museum. Delve into the cultural richness of the traditional Serere village, Fadiouth, home to a distinctive cathedral and a one-of-a-kind cemetery. After absorbing the unique heritage of Fadiouth, make your way to Mbour for an extended cultural immersion, where every corner holds stories waiting to be unfolded. Experience the essence of local life, traditions, and community spirit in this vibrant coastal town. Immerse yourself in the rhythms of Mbour, uncovering the treasures that make this cultural journey a truly enriching exploration.

Day 7

Saly Beach Resort & Bandia National Park

Start your day with a captivating journey to Bandia National Park for an unforgettable safari experience. Venture into the heart of nature as you encounter rhinoceros, majestic giraffes, and a myriad of vibrant bird species. Following the morning adventure, immerse yourself in the serenity of Saly Beach Resort during the afternoon. Whether you choose to unwind by the sea, toes in the sand, or continue exploring the local surroundings, the resort offers a tranquil haven. Your afternoon unfolds with the rhythmic sounds of the waves and the promise of new discoveries along the shores. Embrace the beauty of the natural world and the blissful moments that Saly Beach Resort has to offer.

Day 8

Depart from Depart

Select from morning or evening excursions before your transfer to the airport for departure. Take a moment to contemplate the enriching experiences and diverse cultures encountered throughout this unforgettable 8-day journey across Senegal. Whether under the gentle morning sun or the enchanting evening sky, each excursion unveils a new layer of the country's rich tapestry. As you prepare to leave, let the memories of vibrant markets, historic landmarks, and warm encounters linger, a testament to the depth and diversity that Senegal has to offer. This journey has been more than a series of destinations; it's a celebration of culture, a dance with history, and a connection with the soul of Senegal.

More about Senegal

More about West Africa

More about this tour


  • Dakar, Senegal
  • Goree Island
  • Pink Lake
  • Louis Djoudj
  • National Bird Park
  • Touba Delta Du Saloum
  • Joal Fadiouth
  • Mbour
  • Saly Beach Resort and Bandia National Park
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      Senegal Time & Culture

      $2875 per person
      8 Days
      More than 1

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