Transatlantic Slave Trade in Ghana

Explore the haunting remnants of Cape Coast and Elmina, pivotal trade points where countless Africans faced forced migration. Witness the solemn landmarks, like the Door of No Return, as poignant reminders of human resilience amid immense suffering.
$1720 per person
8 Days
More than 1

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Explore the haunting remnants of Cape Coast and Elmina, pivotal trade points where countless Africans faced forced migration. Witness the solemn landmarks, like the Door of No Return, as poignant reminders of human resilience amid immense suffering.

What's included

Ghana , West Africa Discover Destinations
Departure Location
Kotoka International Airport
Return Location
Kotoka International Airport
Tour Start Date & Time
Additional Information
Visas: Visas are required for all visitors
Price includes
  • A guided tour of important places
  • Accommodation in single twin share room
  • Arrival and departure support and guidance
  • Departure Taxes or Visa handling fees
  • Entrance fees to various attractions
  • Overnight in a 5-star Hotel - Breakfast and Dinner
  • Professionally guided tour
  • Unlimited bottled water
  • Visa arrangements
Price does not include
  • Gratuity
  • International flight.
  • Meals not mentioned in the itinerary
  • Personal expenses like internet usage, and telephone charges
  • Travel Insurance
  • Visa arrangements
  • Visa expenses

The Transatlantic Slave Trade in Ghana: Echoes of Ghana’s Coastal Tragedy

Embark on an enlightening 8-day journey through Ghana, tracing the profound historical and cultural landmarks that shape the nation’s narrative. Commencing in Accra, the capital city, your exploration begins at the W.E.B. Dubois Centre, a tribute to Pan-African ideals, setting the stage for a comprehensive voyage through time.

The second day unfolds in Accra, where you delve into the legacy of Kwame Nkrumah at the mausoleum dedicated to Ghana’s first president and explore Independence Square, a symbolic space reflecting the nation’s liberation.

Venturing into James Town on the third day, the historical district reveals a captivating blend of colonial architecture and vibrant street art, providing a unique lens into Ghana’s evolving cultural landscape.

Day four marks a poignant juncture in your journey as you confront the harrowing history of the transatlantic slave trade at the Assin Manso Slave Facility, offering a solemn reflection on the final moments of enslaved Africans before their journey across the Atlantic.

However, days five and six lead you to the Cape Coast Slave Castle and Elmina Slave Castle, UNESCO World Heritage Sites bearing witness to the tragedies of the transatlantic slave trade. Guided tours unravel the stories encapsulated within their ancient walls, providing a sombre yet essential understanding of Ghana’s past.

On the seventh day, immerse yourself in the Elmina community, gaining insights into local traditions and daily life. Additionally, explore Fort St. Jago, Fort St. Anthony, Fort Apollonia, and Fort Metal Cross, each contributing unique chapters to Ghana’s historical tapestry.

The final day unfolds at Fort Batenstein, a coastal fortification resonating with historical significance. Undoubtedly, journey concludes, leaving you with profound experiences and lessons learned from the forts, castles, and landmarks—a testament to Ghana’s enduring spirit and resilience throughout its storied past.

In conclusion, lets journey into the past. Book Now!

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • Day 8
Day 1

Arrival in Accra

Welcome to Accra! On your first day, immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Ghana. Visit the W.E.B. Dubois Centre for Pan-African Culture, a tribute to the renowned African-American scholar and activist. Take time to explore the centre's exhibits and learn about the Pan-African movement.

Day 2

Accra Exploration

Discover the legacy of Ghana's first president at the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum. This iconic monument and final resting place provide insight into Nkrumah's role in Ghana's independence. Continue your exploration at Independence Square, a significant national landmark representing Ghana's liberation

Day 3

Journey through James Town

Embark on a captivating tour of James Town, also known as Old Accra. Delve into the neighborhood's history, characterized by colonial-era architecture and vibrant street art. Experience the local culture and witness the fusion of tradition and modernity in this historic district.

Day 4

Slave Trade History

Venture to Assin Manso Slave Facility, a solemn reminder of Ghana's role in the transatlantic slave trade. Explore the site where enslaved Africans had their last bath before being shipped to the Americas. Gain a profound understanding of this dark chapter in history.

Day 5

Castles and Forts

Embark on a poignant journey to Cape Coast Slave Castle and Elmina Slave Castle. These UNESCO World Heritage Sites stand as solemn witnesses to the transatlantic slave trade. Engage in guided tours that unveil the harrowing stories within the castle walls.

Day 6

Embark on a poignant journey to Cape Coast Slave Castle and Elmina Slave Castle. These UNESCO World Heritage Sites stand as solemn witnesses to the transatlantic slave trade. Engage in guided tours that unveil the harrowing stories within the castle walls.

Immerse yourself in the local culture with a community tour in Elmina. Discover the traditions and daily life of the residents. Later, explore Fort St. Jago, Fort St. Anthony, Fort Appollonia, and Fort Metal Cross, each narrating a unique tale of Ghana's historical encounters.

Day 7

Fort Batenstein Adventure

Travel to Fort Batenstein, a coastal fortification with a storied past. Explore its grounds and absorb the historical significance. Reflect on the resilience and struggles that unfolded within these fortress walls.

Day 8


As your Ghanaian journey concludes, take time for reflection and appreciation of the profound history and culture encountered. Depart with memories of the forts, castles, and landmarks that narrate Ghana's compelling narrative.

More about Ghana Discover Ghana

More about West Africa

More about this tour


  • Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum
  • Independence Square
  • James Town (Old Accra) Tour
  • Assin Manso Slave Facility
  • Cape Coast Slave Castle
  • Elmina Slave Castle
  • Elmina Community Tour
  • Fort St. Jago
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      Transatlantic Slave Trade in Ghana

      $1720 per person
      8 Days
      More than 1

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